Time Management App

Increase Productivity with Greater Accountability Using Time Management App

Platform Mobile, Web
Technology Android Studio, AWS Server Hosting, BLoC, Dart, FCM, Flutter, MongoDB, Node.js, PayPal Payment, React.js, SQLite, Xcode
Industry General

The Challenges

The personal time management app would be integrated with the in-house applications and software solutions. This integration meant the user could manage and monitor the software from another app, which was challenging. We had to make these integrations smooth and data management safe.

User experience was critical to the user of the time management app. We had to ensure that whether they wanted to check the available resources or manage the bookings, it should be easy. Designing an interface that would be seamless and intuitive was challenging.

Planning the entire app to be customised for the industry requirements was important. This was challenging as well, as we needed to make sure we considered all industries where resource allocation and time monitoring were important.

The Process

We began by discovering the time management apps already popular with the users. Once we began identifying the gaps that existed, our work was easier. We proposed a UI/UX solution that helped the clients know the productive hours better. Once the design was approved, we moved to code.

We used the Xamarin framework for design and testing, allowing us to test the app across multiple devices and operating systems. Once satisfied, our team deployed the app to the app store.

Proposed Solutions:

  • We created an application that would help integrate the in/out time from the device into a single application.
  • The timesheet, hour-tracking feature and screenshots can help with remote monitoring. We integrated these features with payroll for effective payouts, significant for contractual employees and freelancers.
  • One-click reporting that offers insights to improve work allocation, task bifurcation, prioritization and resource allocation.

The Features

Scheduling Appointments

Schedule your appointments or bookings easily through the time management app.

Resource Allocation

Check how many resources are working and which ones are available for better scheduling and appointment management.

Billing Hours

Measure and monitor the total billed hours in a day for convenient invoicing and faster payments.


Get your resources to fill the timesheets so that you can monitor how many hours were spent on productive work.

Risk Management

Get insightful reports in your inbox containing all information related to time wasted, time tracker and spent productively and work that was done.

Remote Monitoring

Check if your employees are productive in the remote environment by checking their mouse movements and pages visited.

Track Budgets

Keep track of the amount spent on a project by checking the working hours and employee earnings.


You can integrate it with your saloon booking app, ERP or project management tool for better monitoring for spended your time.

99% Cross-Device Accuracy
2 Hours Saved Daily
30% Increment in Efficiency

The Result

The application’s dashboard is designed to give an at-a-glance view of the time spent on a project, the employee’s productive hours and the project’s overall cost.

You can get detailed insights into individual employee by clicking on their name. It offers screenshots, timesheets, in/out time, and the projects they are working on.

You will know the appointments for the day, the demos fixed for the hour and other details for better productivity. Integrate it with your ERP or project management tool to manage the resources, improve work allocation and streamline operations.

As the personal time management app will store information related to clients and projects, we developed the software using Xamarin. The technology framework is known for being safe and secure.

Your Vision, Our Roadmap

At Lavorg Technologies, we immerse our expertise in your unique objectives to foster boundless acceleration as we dive into the DNA of your industry.

We Commit to Constant Improvement

  • Client-centricity is the cornerstone of our business.
  • We focus on delivering result-oriented solutions.
  • On-time delivery, every time, without compromise.

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